Carveco Software Comparison
The Carveco range of design and manufacturing products have been designed to serve the needs of solo makers right through to creative professionals large and small. Here you’ll find a detailed breakdown of every feature included in Carveco Maker Plus and Carveco. If you’re unsure of which Carveco product may meet your specific needs and requirements, please don’t hesitate to get in touch, we’d be more than happy to answer any questions you may have around any of our products.
3D Design Tools
2D Machining
3D Machining
Carveco Supported File Types
- AI Files *.ai
- DGK File *.dgk
- DXF (AutoCAD) File *.dxf
- DXF (AC1009) File *.dxf
- EPS File *.eps
- Duct Picture *.pic
- SVG File *.svg
- PostScript Files *.eps
- PDF Files *.pdf
- AutoCAD Files *.dxf;*.dwg
- Autodesk Files *.pic;*.dgk
- Bitmap Image *.bmp
- GIF Image *.gif
- JPEG Image *.jpg
- TIFF Image *.tif
- PNG Image *.png
- Carveco Relief *.rlf
- Carveco Model *.art
- ArtCAM 9 Relief *.rlf
- ArtCAM Model *.art
- Simple Relief Format *.srf
- Bitmap File *.bmp
- 16-Bit TIFF Image *.tif
- Picza Files *.pix
- CopyCAD wrap map with normals (*.asc,*.ccb)
For information about supported Autodesk ArtCAM ® files, please view our FAQ post.
- 3D Studio *.3ds
- Carveco Assembly *.3da
- Carveco Projects *.3dp
- Autodesk DXF File *.dxf
- Autodesk DWG File *.dwg
- Autodesk DDZ File *.ddz
- Autodesk DGK File *.dgk
- Autodesk DDX File *.ddx
- U3D File *.u3d
- Autodesk Machining Triangles *.dmt
- Wavefront Object File *.obj
- 3D PDF File *.pdf
- ASCII STL File *.stl
- Binary STL File *.stl
- IGES File *.igs, *.iges
- STEP File *.stp, *.step
- 3DM File *.3dm
- Tool Database Files *.tdb
- Toolpath Templates *.tpl
Please note: This list does not include posts, but we do include a variety of posts as standard with all variations of Carveco. For a full list of supported CNC machine tool manufacturers please click here.